video by R.Gogol
Robert Gogol + Hubert Wińczyk = Nova Reperta
„Ockham’s Distraction” or the second piece from the concert at the Andalusian Dog on 11.10.2018.
Free Electroacoustic improvisation.
Hubert Wińczyk – voice, objects sampling, synthesis, fieldrecording
Robert Gogol – sampler and in it a whole world built from a 3 second vocal phrase processed with Roland’s VariPhrase V-Synth synthesis engine (don’t underestimate power of digital synths from 90’s)
Gogol and Vynchik played together on stage as a duo for the first time, but this is not particularly important, as it may be more significant that they have already swum in the sea together, beachcombed or built ladybug and bird costumes. They are immeasurably pleased that their children are fond of each other, their wives too. Emboldened by so many successes, they plan to cook together, if only to make potato pancakes. For the time being, they make musical peas with cabbage. Like a lot of guys, they like to talk about equipment so for the moment they’ve agreed that at the concert they’ll use: a synthesizer, mixers, an egg whisk, bird voices, sample vinyl records, and maybe the records themselves, an electric piano, various effects, an egg slicer, chisels and files, departing airplanes, a sampler, a tape recorder, a balloon and several others.
concert released on cassette tape on the Szara Reneta label