20.10.2017 – sarna – radioplay

I soundtracked Maria’s radio play „Sarna” about Simona Kossak, a great adventure!!!

Festival of radio plays 18-21.10.2017 is an event presenting a new and original approach to the form of radio plays. The second edition of the festival will include 8 premiere productions – radio plays, the presentations of which will take place in specially prepared spaces, which are parts of the individual projects, thus determining the way they are received. Work on each radio play takes place on three levels: dramaturgical, sound and music and spatial. The aim of the festival is to revive the form of radio drama and explore the cultural potential hidden in the clash between sound production and space, which becomes more than a stage set – it complements the content of the performance and adds new contexts to it.

photo: Yuliia Andriichuk