10.11.2019 – trzeszcze – interactive videoart

Robert Gogol, „Trzeszcze,” interactive installation, 2019 objects mapped, sound sensors, sound system.
Video impression of the installation:

– zdjęcia i montaż R.Gogol – muzyka:
E-COR Ensemble „Collage!” ++ https://soundcloud.com/e-cor-ensemble
KTLH „Azatoth” ++ https://soundcloud.com/ktlh

We are celebrating St. Martin’s Street Name Day, with exhibiting an artistic installation „Trzeszcze” by Robert Gogol – Kołorking’s Elektro Akustyk, which passers-by will be able to see through the window. Robert Gogol, „Trzeszcze”, interactive installation, 2019 mapped objects, sound sensors, sound system Eyes and lips that float in the space of Kolorking Muzyczny are perceived by us as a face – the image of a human. During the inspection of the „Trzeszcze” installation, the feeling of anxiety accumulates with increasing discomfort, resulting from the ineffectiveness of attempts to decode its expression. It is an unstable entity, unable to convey a coherent message due to the fragmentation of the image. However, it reacts to the sound environment, which maintains the impression of having subjectivity. Broadly understood social engineering and bioengineering are changing the world and us — exceeding the culturally established order and architecture of integration of the human’s soul and body. Deep and irreversible changes in the reality that surrounds us seem to lie outside the conscious area of ​​intentions of people who generate technologies and processes that lead to the remodeling of humanity at the physical and mental level. „Trzeszcze” conveys an affective sense of the subject’s destruction, a disintegration of the process of bodily experience of the world in unity with the mind. (text: Karolina Karpowicz) The project was implemented during a workshop with Marek Straszak within 48k possibilities event .(https://www.facebook.com/events/37940…) photo by Dawid Majewski